Wanna Crack, Your First Tech Job In Top Companies?

Introducing First Placement Oriented, Offline 100% practical Tech Academy in Nashik. Directly Learn From Top Corporate IT Trainers And Certified Developers

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Why Codempower Academy?

Wondering Where To Start With Tech Career? Worried About How To Crack High Paying Tech Job Interviews? Enroll For The Program If...

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You are a tech enthusiast eager to launch a career in coding?

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You are tired of applying for jobs?

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You are from non IT background and want to switch
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You are not able to crack interviews
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You want to prepare for your college campus placements

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Top IT Companies are facing difficulty in hiring skilled fresh talents. We are briding this gap by making student industry ready.

Our database contains over top IT recruiters who frequently hire fresh talented graduates. For the initial phase of a new job opening, our recruitment partners contact us by phone or email.

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Our Placement Oriented Programs


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A 2020 Survey found that employers are seeking candidates with practical experience in problem-solving (91%) and teamwork (86%)

Want to develop the talents employers are looking for in a candidate?

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For IT Students

Rapid skill development and interview prep program

More than 60% of recent graduates, according to a Business Insider survey, lack the coding and problem-solving abilities that employers value. Become ahead of your peers by enrolling in our intense programme in interview cracking and rapid logic building.

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  • Week 1 - Week 3

    Basic Syntax & DSA

    Java, C++

    Master the skill of most in demand programing language syntax and algorithm in easy steps.

  • Week 3 - Week 10

    Advanced DSA

    Top skills to get you hired

    Learn the advanced concepts of Data structures and Alogorithms with Fun and gamification.

  • Week 11

    Technical Aptitute

    Written and Verbal test

    Get Ready to build your problem solving anf logical reasoning skills to stay ahead of compitition.

  • Week 12

    Interview Prep

    Tips and Tricks

    Master Communications skills, Spoken English skills, office ethics, Email ethics, github, Interview tips, 200+ leetcode exercises etc

Our Workplace Technologies

Our Workplace Technologies" section of the Human Resources Department's website.

Our Workplace Technologies Center is focused on working with business leaders to help them maximize their productivity, reduce costs and meet social needs in the 21st century. Our Workplace Technologies Center is focused on working with business leaders to help them maximize their productivity, reduce costs and meet social needs in the 21st century.


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Have a Doubt?

Frequently Asked Question

Yes. Our Placment Oriented Courses includes everything from basic to advanced. Apart from coding we also focus on soft skills training, confidience building, Logic building etc. Easily grasped by students from Non-IT Background as well.

The goal of the course is to help students enhance their skills so they can perform well in interviews. On the other hand, we provide job calls and job referrals to our job-seeking students.

Yes, Our both course formats (placement oriented courses and rapid interview/skill development courses) can be pursued by giving few hours everyday. Our Rapid Skill development course is ideal for final year or 3rd year IT Student.

We have been providing corporate trainings to top tech companies like Cognizant, TCS, Wipro, Amazon, Accenture from a decade now. We know what companies are looking for in fresh talents. So we are introducing same framework to the people who are eagar in pursuing career in IT industry, which make them stand out of the crowd and get placed ASAP.

We operate in both online + offline modes. Our Offline programme is currently conducted in Nashik,Maharastra. In fact we are first corporate Learning IT institute in Nashik.